Highway accidents across the nation leave a trail of destroyed lives and grieving loved ones in their wake; Texas is among the most deadly of all states. In 2019, there were 3,623 fatalities on Texas Highways and 15,857 Texans suffered serious injuries due to car accidents. These injuries can include:

San Antonio Car Accident Lawyer
  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Neck and back injuries

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Burns

  • Serious fractures

  • Organ damage

  • Facial injuries

  • Scarring

  • Psychological damage

The tragedy is that most car accidents could have been prevented. Driver negligence is the most common cause of preventable traffic accident deaths and injuries.

In Texas, we depend on our cars to maintain our freedom and lifestyle. Having a car is more than simply a convenience for many Texans — it is a necessity. But driving on Texas highways can be risky do to the choices made by unsafe drivers. You may be the most careful and focused driver in the state, but you can still be injured because of someone else’s bad driving. Car and truck accidents can cause immeasurable human suffering—both emotional and economic—to Texas families who have lost someone they love or whose primary earner has been injured or killed.

One way to deter negligent driving behavior and other forms of liability for injuries to others on Texas’ highways is to hold everyone who causes an injury or death on the road accountable to the victim and his or her family.

what Causes Car and Truck Accidents?

Motor vehicle accidents on Texas highways that can be attributed to negligence have multiple causes. The most common causes of car accidents are distracted driving, aggressive driving, defective vehicles, drunk driving, tired driving, speeding, and unsafe road conditions.


Texans seem to always be on the move, with much to do and little time to do it. This sometimes leads drivers to engage in multitasking while driving. While multitasking may work at the office, it can be deadly on Texas highways. A person driving a car should only be driving the car, with attention fully focused on the road and those sharing it. Using a smartphone while driving is a recipe for disaster on the road. Distracted driving is among the leading causes of car accidents in Texas and the nation.

There are other types of distracted driving, including: rubbernecking, changing the station or volume on the radio, eating or drinking, personal grooming, setting the GPS, dealing with children or pets, grabbing something dropped on the floor of the car, or talking with passengers in the vehicle. These can all lead to serious car accidents.

Using a smartphone while driving increases the likelihood of getting into a car accident by four times. Drivers are TWENTY-THREE (23) TIMES to be involved in a wreck if they are texting. Even just a few seconds of diverting one’s attention from the road at a high speed can cause a serious car accident.The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.


Speeding increases the likelihood of causing a car wreck and it also increases the impact energy of the car when it crashes. This makes death or catastrophic injuries much more likely. Speed literally kills. According to the NTHSA, speeding was a contributing factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities in 2020.

We have all seen aggressive drivers on the road and said “Look at that maniac.” Aggressive drivers often weave in and out of traffic, cutting others off or tailgating other cars. They often act angry or rude while paying little attention to road safety.


According to figures from (NHTSA), alcohol and drug use—including recreational, prescription, and over-the-counter medications—are serious risks when driving and cause untold suffering to the victims of serious car accidents caused by drunk drivers. Every day, about 32 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that's one person every 45 minutes. In 2020, 11,654 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths — a 14% increase from 2019. These deaths were all preventable.


Various dangerous conditions on the road can cause crashes to occur. These may be the fault of a construction company doing work on the road, the government agency responsible for road maintenance, a truck that has dropped cargo or has left tire treads on the pavement after a blowout.

  • Objects on the road

  • Unsafe construction areas

  • Poor highway maintenance

  • Objects, gravel, or debris on the road

  • Detached treads (“road alligators”)

  • Potholes

  • An unlevel shoulder

  • Pooled water

As an accident victim, you’re entitled to make a claim for compensation for your injuries against the person who caused the hazardous road condition or failed to fix it or post warnings. These cases can be complicated because they often involve issues of governmental immunity, highway maintenance contracts, and civil engineering.

What Should I do Following a Texas Car Accident?

When you’ve just been in an accident, you will likely feel shaken, scared and/or confused. It will likely take you a few minutes to get your bearings. If you’re able to stand and move around, there are steps you can take to ensure that you are able to recover compensation for any injuries or damages you may have suffered. Here are some steps you can take following car wreck:

  • If anyone is seriously injured and needs an ambulance, call 911.

  • Get as far off the road as possible, away from traffic.

  • Call the police to report the accident.

  • Take lots of photos of the accident scene. Take pictures of all cars and other vehicles involved. Take pictures of the road. Take photos showing the damage to your vehicle and the others involved.

  • Write down the license plate numbers of all vehicles involved in the wreck.

  • Exchange insurance information and driver’s license numbers with all drivers.

  • Do not say you are sorry or that you believe the wreck was your fault. Do not say the wreck was “just an accident” or that it could not have been prevented.

  • Do not discuss your physical condition with anyone. Do not discuss it with other drivers or the police. If asked, indicate you are not sure because at this point you truly can’t be sure of your physical condition.

  • Do not talk to anyone about who caused the accident.

  • Get the name and badge number of the police officer who arrives at the scene. Ask for a copy of the police report number and instructions for how you can obtain a copy.

  • Report the accident to your insurance company without providing details other than date, time, and location.

  • Get medical attention as soon as possible. You need to be checked out, even if you are not sure that you’re injured. Tell the doctor you were just in a car accident. Some injuries don’t become obvious right away, so you may need to return for follow-up treatment.

  • Don’t engage with any insurance adjuster.

  • Do not give a recorded statement to anyone — Not even YOUR OWN insurance company.

  • Do not sign anything. Refer the insurance adjuster to your attorney.

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions exactly and keep all follow-up appointments.

Do I Need An Attorney?

Although some people hurt in car accidents choose to handle their own personal injury claims, it is usually not in your best interest to do so. Not only does hiring an attorney usually cost you nothing out-of-pocket, but an experienced lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf and work to maximize your settlement.

A study conducted by the Insurance Research Council estimates that injury victims who are represented by an attorney tend to recover more in settlement compensation than those who handle their claims themselves. The same study found that in a majority of injury claims where insurance companies do settle, the injured party had a lawyer.

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