Covid-19 Corona Virus Resources for Texas Employees
Video Briefing: The ADA, Age Discrimination, And Worker Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic
NELA - The National Employment Lawyers Association, in cooperation with the AARP, conducted a briefing last week in which experts in the field discussed the interplay of the ADA, Age Discrimination law, And Worker Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic.
Details Of The New Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) That Goes Into Effect April 1st
Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) to help citizens caught in the economic fallout caused by the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak. The two most important parts of this legislations for employees are the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (“EPSLA”) and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (“EFMLEA”). Learn all the details about these new laws and how they may affect you here.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Questions And Answers
The US DOL has published a series of Q&As to help people understand the new expanded medical leave law (“FFCRA”).
TELA Guide to Resources for Employees During the COVID-19 Crisis
The Texas Employment Lawyers Association has created an information resource page for Texas employees discussing issues related to the COVID-19 crisis. It covers topics such as:
Unemployment Benefits
Pay Requirements for Work Performed at Home, Part-Time Work, and/or Over-Time Hours:
Workplace Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities
New Paid Sick Leave Benefits under the Family First Coronavirus Response Act:
What Employers Can and Cannot Do to Protect the Workplace
Important Information if You are Deciding Whether to Complain about Safety Violations in the Workplace or Refuse “Unsafe” Work Assignments; and
OSHA Protection Issues
FAQ: Employee Rights Regarding The Coronavirus Outbreak And Mandatory Quarantines
The Coronavirus outbreak continues to spread with an ever-increasing number of deaths and infected individuals. Given how easily this disease spreads, authorities have imposed quarantines and more widespread lockdowns appear imminent. But what happens if you have to miss work as a result of quarantine? What happens if an employer forces an employee to stay at home not as part of a formal quarantine but as a self-imposed isolation because the employer fears its employee may have been exposed to the virus somehow? We’ve got answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
How to Apply for Unemployment Under Texas’ New Coronavirus Rules
Texas saw a spike in unemployment claims last week as the state settles in for what could be months of restrictions on public gatherings, school and work.
The number of new unemployment benefits claims increased 38% last week compared with the same week a year ago, according to the Texas Workforce Commission. In all, more than 16,000 people filed for unemployment insurance in Texas between March 10 and 16, and some are warning that massive layoffs could be ahead.
Texas is moving to make unemployment benefits easier and faster for the recently unemployed, waiving the “waiting week” provision that previously held back one week of benefits until after they found a new job or hit their benefits maximum. The state is also suspending the requirement that unemployed individuals have to register with the state jobs site and show they are actively applying for new jobs.
EEOC Information Sheet Regarding ADA and Covid-19 Coronavirus
The EEOC has Issued new guidance regarding employees’ rights under the ADA and how that is affected by the Covid-19 Coronavirus. The guidance contains excellent information about what your employer can ask and do with regard to your health condition(s).
COVID-19 or Other Public Health Emergencies and the Fair Labor Standards Act: Questions and Answers
Information on common issues employers and employees face when responding to influenza, pandemics, or other public health emergencies, and their effects on wages and hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act and job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Provides infection prevention information specifically for employers and workers.